I created the marketing strategy, campaign messaging and creative conceptualisation for the BeMeBeFree Campaign, a US wide teen anti anxiety advocacy campaign that encourages youth to share their personal anxiety stories through creative expression – a written essay, poem, video or song.
Your brand is a story. About you.
8 Reasons a Powerful Personal Brand Will Make You Successful
If you don't have a powerful and visible personal brand, you are putting yourself at a disadvantage in almost every aspect of your professional, business and personal life. Personal branding has become a requirement for anyone looking to grow their business, get a better job, get noticed by the press, take their career to the next level or meet new, high quality friends.
5 Reasons Personal Branding is Non-Negotiable for 2018
7 Branding Mistakes Your Small Business is Making
When you think about great branding, Coca Cola’s distinctive red and white lettering, Nike’s swoosh and Adidas’s three stripes likely come to mind. But as a small business, imagining the level of investment that’s gone into these iconic images can make the thought of undertaking your own branding initiative seem overwhelming.
Seth Godin: The brand is a story.
Brands: People Just Want Products That Make Them Happy And Healthy
What does the phrase “the good life” mean to you? Having enough money to do what you want? Achieving milestones in your career? Seeing family and friends regularly? Living more simply and healthily?
A new survey finds that many of us pine for simplicity and health. We want more balance between work and home life. We don’t think money buys happiness. We’re prepared to give up money and luxury goods if it means fulfillment in our jobs. Moreover, despite America’s political differences, and its reputation for privileging status and money above all else, a lot of us feel the same way. There’s a surprising consensus on good life questions.