Why do we prefer Coke over Pepsi or GE over Samsung or Ford over Chevy?
In markets that aren't natural monopolies or where there are clear, agreed-upon metrics, how do we decide?
From prestige TV to tentpole franchises to the Coachella DJ tent, the British actor is a poster boy for 21st-century fame: multidisciplinary, omnipresent, engaging.
Vanity Fair covers the iconic actor in their August 2019 cover - and ask the quintessential question - how does he do it? And how does he keep his reputation so stellar?
Shame has become associated with online mobs and prudishness, but it can be a powerful tool to change our culture and hold governments and corporations to account.
Nothing messes you up quite so royally as becoming Insta-famous.
It’s just as bad as genuine fame, only without the public fawning. Oof!
Most celebrities are at least moderately active on social media, and rightly so. It’s a great way to connect with fans and reinforce your brand. However, a momentary lapse of judgement could create a viral explosion of negative news that could hurt your career significantly. So how do you protect your reputation in a viral world?